In the north, Polish forces had fared much worse.
Meanwhile the Qing forces in the Ili Valley did not fare well.
But unless I misread my own briefing from the umpires, that was the objective of the exercise: to see how a force which had never encountered them would fare against them.
Once again, Ardashir's forces fare poorly against those of Haftvād, and the king retreats with his army to an encampment by a salt lake.
The German forces fared much worse, with one German officer and 30 native police killed and one German officer and ten native police wounded.
Historians generally recognise that American forces would have fared poorly even if Kimmel had reacted as expected.
But in light of how poorly the official forces have fared, you and your chims have performed very well indeed.
The dug-in forces fared better, but not so much that it mattered.
How will British forces fare in the embattled jungles of Burma?