When Micah started school, for instance, school busing was being used to force greater integration of the inner-city schools.
It paved the way for many different school systems to use the busing plan to force integration in the school systems.
A generation later, black parents here went to court again, but not to force integration.
They noted that settings that forced racial integration, like college dormitories, did not include children.
The Richmond School Board had no authority at the time to force integration, however, as control over attendance policies had been transferred to the state government.
But the era when courts were willing to force integration through mandatory busing ended in the mid-1990's.
"He never did anything prior to this to force integration," Mr. O'Toole said.
The arrest led to a long boycott of the bus system and a Supreme Court decision that forced racial integration of the city transportation system.
In prison he was true to form, becoming chairman of the inmates' council and forcing integration of the dining hall.
You can force integration.