This centuries-old privilege prevents the Government from forcing lawyers and clients to reveal their private communications.
Exceptions have since been abolished, due to the widespread recognition that forcing lawyers to take them was a waste of time.
He argued that in order to force doctors and lawyers into action, the abortion death figures would have to approach 50,000 a year, and perhaps more.
They say forcing lawyers to bid against each other to represent poor people is likely to hurt their clients by putting undue emphasis on cost.
Judges have always had the power to control their courtroom, forcing lawyers to comply with schedules.
With their aid, Judge Weinstein effectively forced warring lawyers to settle the litigation for $180 million.
This was forcing lawyers to request reviews of ACC's decisions.
Even if these constitutional objections are not credible, they indicate the depth of opposition to a program that would force lawyers to "volunteer" their services to the poor.
Disbarring these lawyers will just force lawyers in general to filter their clients based on the perceived legal merit of their claims.
"Cameras will force judges and lawyers to be more fair in their presence," he told the hearing.