Safir has no patience for those critics who say that department policies force black officers into the line of fire.
It forces chief executives and chief financial officers to vouch, in writing, for their companies' financial statements.
It is true that one can find differences in detail between General Ralston's affair and those that forced other officers to leave the military.
Only a few days before, the rank and file had forced several senior officers to step down.
They forced royal customs officers and public officials in the region to swear never to issue stamped paper.
The temporary headquarters for the police was set up inside the park, forcing officers arriving for assignments to wade through demonstrators first.
The police have said he ran, threw down a handgun and resisted arrest, forcing officers to subdue him with spray.
Demonstrators overran the building, tearing down the Iraqi flag and forcing officers to flee.
Her Government has also forced top officers to leave the party in a move intended to depoliticize the army.
They murdered several officers and the captain, then forced other officers off the ship.