On the way, bus driver James Blake tried to force her car off of the road three times.
The janjaweed ride up on horses and force their car to stop.
"The man I spoke to said he forced their car off the road into a river."
Something that chased me, forced my car off the bridge.
He regarded them merely as speeders who had forced his big car into a collision with Cranston's cab.
With a final burst of speed, the van cut sharply to the right, directly into my path, forcing my car off the road.
The man forced our car off the road and pulled his to an abrupt stop.
The police, he said, finally forced his car to come to a rest against a light pole.
The driver must have known his danger; he slung the sedan to the right to force The Shadow's car to the ditch.
Fenn forced his car back into the slow-moving traffic.