Less than three weeks later, the armed forces overthrew the government.
But surely Croser - if it is he - couldn't think that such a force could overthrow the government?
Now our two heroes must join forces to overthrow the evil Diamond II.
By the time Vietnamese forces overthrew the regime 44 months later, only about 3,000 of Cambodia's 60,000 Buddhist priests were still alive.
Brooke's forces stormed and overthrew the hill fort in 1857, at which point Rentap and his companions fled into the jungle.
Communist forces overthrew the monarchy in 1975, heralding years of isolation.
If those two steps failed, the administration would use American forces, including ground troops, to overthrow.
When Republican forces overthrew the emperor, this avenue was named Paseo Degollado.
Fidel Castro's forces overthrew Batista's government, and Castro became ruler of the country.
When the armed forces overthrew Dr. Allende in 1973, the group went underground, but a faction has recently emerged into political life.