During the night, Mexican forces placed obstructions in the only navigable channel.
In 1941, forces of the Japanese Imperial Army occupied the town and placed the municipal government under its supervision.
I don't think he'd been coming after me, the force of battle had just placed him there.
Instead, the British forces placed tanks at the entrance to the town while representatives met with local leaders.
An externally motivated plan conflict arises when outside forces place actors in conflict.
Simply put, the more force placed on a muscle, the faster and greater the change.
The city of London refused to let Mortimer's forces in, and his forces placed the capital under effective siege.
International economic and political forces place severe constraints on individual governments' decision-making, particularly if that nation is economically under-developed.
However, many forces are placing strains on the basic family unit.
Their united strength was far superior to anything which Snyman's force could place against them.