Allied forces are racing to trap the Germans before they can escape.
In the meantime, both our forces and the Americans will be racing to see who completes their redeployments first and can get moving first.
Russian forces raced through the northern plains of Chechnya before seizing the lowlands to the south.
While a senior military officer said today that the calendar was not an absolute barrier, the American and British forces were racing against their own deadline.
After a brief skirmish, the two forces raced toward the ford.
German resistance began to crumble once American forces crossed the Rhine and raced into Germany.
Our forces are racing forward, making better than thirty kilometers per day.
America's armed forces, though shrinking, are racing into the 21st century while the Russian Army is disintegrating and the Chinese are just beginning to modernize.
As the force raced away from Hessra, Quentin felt like an eagle soaring with wings of steel.
When Russian forces responded, Georgian forces raced to contain them, but were outmaneuvered by the Russians.