Thus, it appears that the same economic forces have reduced the demand for less-educated, less-skilled workers, and along the way hurt pension coverage as well.
As German forces reduced the defenses the individual battalions were compelled to retreat.
The force of water from the hose can be broken by attaching a metal bubbler to it or reduce the flow to a trickle.
New plans for a larger overall force could reduce pressures but would also mean that recruiters would have to meet higher quotas.
Because as the Pentagon reduces the armed forces, people in the military fear an almost-certain involuntary discharge.
Since 1990, the forces of redistricting and Republicanization have vastly reduced the group's numbers.
In its three months on the job, officials here said, the force has sharply reduced the murder rate.
A redesigned force would greatly reduce the risk of accidental war.
Without ponies, without weapons, our force reduced, surrounded by the enemy and far within his country, we were in no position to give battle.
In alternative models, forces which were nascent during Smith's life, such as large-scale industry, finance, and advertising, reduce its effectiveness.