The cycle of tectonic force being accumulated in elastic deformation and released in a sudden rebound is then repeated.
The Kroot are a relatively new force in Warhammer 40,000, having been released in October 2001.
Modern psychologists say that the force released is Freud's libidinal energy.
We're not talking about building extraction tunnels here, we're talking about building escape vents for the forces released by massive explosions.
He rolled with the force, released mental channels worn smooth by the Sword's predations.
When winds occurring during this phenomenon increase and intensify, the force released can cause the updrafts to rotate.
It gauges the total force released, not how violent the shaking is on the surface.
A force released by a sudden and noiseless explosion then extinguished the ring of fire.
Hydrostatic forces still being released.
All but six of the personnel have died suddenly, due to unknown forces released by an experiment operating within the newly-discovered magneto-gravitic or electro-gravitic spectra.