The disruptions to the transportation system, in turn, will force manufacturers, retailers and other businesses to scramble to satisfy customers, adding to overhead costs.
Still average purchasing power remains low overall, forcing retailers to cater to a broad section of the population and to keep prices low.
Rising costs have been forcing retailers to consider locations to the south of what had been considered prime on the street, brokers say.
By the time the goods arrive they can be out of date, forcing retailers to mark them down or write them off.
Book publishers use the agency model to set prices for e-books, forcing retailers to go along in exchange for 30 percent of the sale price.
The quick deadline has also forced other retailers to race the clock.
This has forced many manufacturers and retailers to lower their prices.
The lowest unemployment level in a quarter century has forced retailers to offer extraordinary lures to attract part-time help.
Instead of forcing retailers to buy huge quantities, inflating sales figures, the company laid off.
The proliferation of products to sell is also forcing retailers to better manage their supply chain.