The difficulties were the Fillmore and Taylor street climbs, short but steep, both an average 18% forcing riders to weave to get to the top.
A Montgomery ordinance reserved the front seats on these buses for white passengers only, forcing African-American riders to sit in the back.
The new regulations for London 2012, reducing team sizes and forcing certain riders to cover more than one event, will require an impossibly delicate juggling act.
The danger is that it does not smoothly slope into the floor, forcing riders to land on their feet at a run.
The M.T.A. is forcing riders to wait longer at stops because it is running fewer buses.
Now loudspeakers in many stations spew forth periodic bursts of gibberish at a decibel level that forces riders to clap their hands over their ears.
In the peloton, a crash unfortunately forced several riders to resign.
G train supporters in Queens fear that forcing such riders to switch trains will scare them away and hurt the borough's businesses.
Although the charges were eventually dropped, city officials ended police escorts, forcing riders to stop at red lights or risk being ticketed.
When the car reaches one of the turn-table platforms, the speed picks up forcing riders to one side as the car whips around the corner.