Later, he imposed a dramatic end on a debate, set off by conflicting statements by officials in Saudi Arabia and Washington, over whether allied forces truly rule the skies.
Discrediting Democratic Forces "They want to do things to demonstrate that democratic forces can't rule the country, that all the changes will lead to a breakdown, chaos, destabilization, hunger," he said.
No single force will rule all of our futures completely, never again.
Romer's forces ruled this moon.
To assist what to them must have seemed a murked-over hell world where physical force ruled.
This was a secret room that never saw the light, where justice did not exist, where force and venality and self-interest ruled.
Qing forces ruled areas of Taiwan's highly populated western plain for nearly two centuries, until 1895.
"It only strengthened us in the belief that the forces we are dealing with think they can intimidate us into living in a country ruled by mafia," he said of the attack.
The Mongol troops under general Baiju probed the forces of Abbasid Iraq and Ayubid ruled Syria in 1244-46.
And last month, when the armed forces ruled yet again that the country was not ready for full democracy, any remaining doubts were dispelled: Brazil's military brass still has the last word here.