Supporters of the move say rationalising forces will bring greater efficiency and save money.
In less than three hours after the cavalry attack, the Christian forces had won the battle and saved Vienna.
Humanitarian agencies insist that the force will just save lives, but what if it destabilizes other parts of the area?
Only brute force had saved the day, and that option was closed to us this time.
And when had done so, the forces that my own race had just leashed would not save it.
In a way, the sheer force of the wind had saved the ship.
The blue-helmeted troops are forbidden to use force save in extreme circumstances.
And when the economic forces of real-estate development call for their replacement with something larger, the neighborhoods fight to save them.
"Then why don't you use these forces to save your life, old man?"
But two outside forces might save the President: the bond market and the Federal Reserve.