The Israeli forces have staged repeated raids directed at the brigades' members and other militants in Jenin.
During 1965-7, Israel's armed forces staged numerous provocations along the Israeli-Syrian border area.
Darkseid's forces again stage an invasion of Earth before travelling to the Source Wall to confront the heroes.
Leila's forces stage a two-pronged attack on New York.
Lê Lợi's forces met the Ming army in battle but quickly staged a mock retreat.
The first forces to arrive, a contingent from Bahrain, staged an amphibious landing of tanks and troops last week.
The Japanese forces staged seven counterattacks, however the Marines prevailed despite the fact that they suffered over 50% casualties.
Many Allende supporters have always presumed that he was assassinated by the forces staging the coup.
Ethel was seven months pregnant in April 1980 when rebel forces staged a coup.
Some people speculated that this meant the armed forces had somehow staged the event as a means of winning civilian sympathy.