It gave the President the power to force Native American tribes to move to land west of the Mississippi River.
Such events might produce dislocations, interfering with the migrations of the Pte, the kailiauk, and forcing tribes from ancestral hunting grounds.
Instead, he said, the Government will begin legal proceedings to force disobedient tribes to forfeit their gambling equipment.
Gradually the US purchased their lands and extinguished their claims, forcing most tribes onto restricted reservations.
The Comanches were often a more aggressive band who forced other tribes off the land.
Forcing indigenous tribes into missions was referred to as 'reducing', and was enforced by Spanish soldiers.
It forced other tribes out of Iroquois-occupied territories.
Forcing tribes to relocate and to adjust to reservations made many of them dependent on the U.S. government and unable to form economic systems of their own.
The Roman Catholic church forced local tribes to build missions.
Climate changes and a rise in sea levels ruined the agriculture of what is now the Low Countries, forcing tribes to relocate simply to find food.