The forces of political and economic freedom unleashed by Gorbachev didn't need Western villains to make them dangerous.
Yet they must also feel alarmed by the destructive forces unleashed by disintegration.
The discovery of the six victims, nearly five months after the attack, illustrates once again the tremendous force unleashed by each tower's collapse.
Whether the leaders can control the forces being unleashed is an unanswered question.
Everywhere the anarchic forces unleashed by the war still run rampant.
But the forces unleashed by technology must be mastered, not merely buffered.
He also said the forces unleashed by last year's Telecommunications Act would benefit consumers, despite the early evidence that competition has been slow in coming.
"The elections provided the mechanism to help overcome the centrifugal forces unleashed by the war," he said.
Maybe Orisha would finally be consumed by the forces unleashed by the thing they thought was god.
It is now clear to everyone that we face more shared challenges than ever before - thanks in part to the forces unleashed by globalisation.