I did not know that the force unleashed against me was my own.
Destructive forces unleashed around the solar system, as powerful as they had been during the period of the Great War.
It was not flame, but a force unleashed by whatever fusing device the Vorn had left.
The force of her magic unleashed had been a terror to the attackers, but there were too many.
Thus, the greater the force unleashed, the greater the power needed to control it.
But what a force to unleash in the darkness if I could make it my instrument.
The forces directly unleashed by the revolution no longer operated.
But leaders of the remnant seemed convinced that the force unleashed in 1983-84 is still there, even if dormant.
In a dynamic, innovative economy, these forces unleash waves upon waves of change.
The personal becomes the political and the radical forces unleashed become violent.