A force eight wind was blowing straight into our faces, making it difficult to hold binoculars steady.
The islands' names refer to the different force winds hitting them, not their topography.
The sturdily built ship could weather every storm and even tack in force 9 winds.
During sea trials she averaged nearly 36 knots in force 6 wind.
Ahead of the front were hot, turbulent, gale force northerly winds.
It is characterized by great force winds, can register speeds of 35 km/h.
Malin Head also receives the most gale force winds, recording them on average 66.0 days per year.
Special Note The 2007 race was only 23 hours long as it had to be cut short by an hour due to gale force winds.
Subsequently their igloo shelter was almost destroyed in a blizzard with force 11 winds.
The ship made 9.5 knots under sail in a force six wind, which was increasing through the day.