No amount of forced integration or buzzwords like "diversity" and "multicultural" will change people's desire to do what is best for their children.
Their religious freedom and their economic survival depended upon remaining free from such a forced integration and, ultimately, subjection.
But for many Afrikaners, the forced integration of their schools is one more assault on the way of life they have cherished and now see crumbling.
These attempts reached a climax in the late 19th and early 20th centuries with forced integration.
As for the Civil Rights meme, people on this site need to distinguish between forced integration and voluntarism.
It was undoubtedly an act of administrative convenience, putting students where the rooms were, rather than an attempt at forced integration.
At least some of the frustration with forced integration stems from demographics.
Instead, they blamed the forced integration that sent their kids to schools in ghetto neighborhoods and brought black kids into their own white enclaves.
Wallace was referring to the two parties' stands on forced integration, but that was not the real story.
In order to remedy this problem, some people are contemplating a more or less forced integration.