A strong, forceful character with natural authority, Defarge can for a time serve three masters.
"He does not have an especially forceful, charismatic character," said one acquaintance said.
Indeed she was known to be such a forceful character that nobody in the Zango would take her to wife.
He said that James was regarded as "one of the greatest and most forceful characters who had ever devoted himself to education."
Kemp, a more forceful character than his employer, kept claiming that there was no money.
Roberts Faraday was unquestionably a man of forceful character.
Anderson was very Scots in his character, serious, practical, remarkably energetic, and forceful.
So was the calamari, which had the same forceful character as the ribollita.
John McLeish, himself a forceful character, felt as if he had been put through a wringer.
This film's portrait of a marriage is hazily constructed, but each parent emerges as a forceful, compelling character.