I've met him and he seems to be a forceful man, of strong character.
The rubber king was a man of middle age, forceful both in manner and expression.
Highly intelligent, thought Marius, yet not a forceful or opinionated young man.
Warren was a very forceful man; I lived in his shadow all these years and it was safe.
I don't know him very well, but he doesn't strike me as a very forceful man.
He was a reader and a forceful man.
This was the same forceful man she had met for the first time 13 years ago on Terra's moon.
Alexander had told him he ought not to be King, and now this forceful old man agreed.
The doctor - a kind but forceful man -went around discussing each one's problem.
The amazing fact was that somehow he now did manage to seem like a dominating, forceful man, in spite of his appearance.