But the measure is equally important as a forceful step by the Federal Government into the rules of health insurance.
Thailand took an unexpectedly forceful step to address its economic problems, closing all but two of 58 ailing finance companies.
It will require forceful steps by this Congress to undo the damage.
To give greater impact to their already forceful steps, all the men wear heeled shoes rather than conventional ballet slippers.
Some in Washington are urging more forceful steps.
In one, serene sculptural poses were contrasted with forceful steps.
The Oklahoma Sooners came here thinking of taking a forceful and significant step toward a national college football championship.
The message would have been stronger and more credible had he taken more forceful steps.
The one-million-signature campaign she initiated was a forceful step towards establishing women's rights.
I think, too, that achieving democracy is not easy, but requires the will to introduce change and take forceful steps.