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In fact, the Times computer is saying it even more forcefully.
He started to speak, but she cut him off forcefully.
I do not want the police involved,' she said forcefully.
They did not forcefully take food, but paid for them in money.
The world changed on 9/11 as we so often forcefully told.
She says the words forcefully, but I can still hear her fear.
So saying, he pulled her more forcefully toward the bed.
For the first time in the second half, they moved the ball forcefully.
We must clearly speak with one voice, and do so much more forcefully.
"You know the world of people better than I do," she said forcefully.
Even if you say that forcefully, it's not the case.
I wish to support this point of view very forcefully.
The first hint of history being made came early, and forcefully.
In recent weeks, Bush administration officials have tried to answer their critics more forcefully.
Instead, he said, they fail to state his position forcefully enough.
So far, he has not spoken forcefully on the issue.
No issues are being brought more forcefully into the public arena.
She said forcefully that her son came from "a good family."
She asked forcefully why the boats had not come earlier.
When he spoke it was forcefully and in his own language.
You should make your point more forcefully in order to convince people.
But then I felt something press forcefully into my ribs.
I say this forcefully enough, and he places a call to who knows where.
But the question is whether the President will support and back the proposals forcefully.
This is another point that needs to be made forcefully in the present debate.