"silny" in inglés — Polish-inglés dictionary | Mirar "silny" in Polish


the image to "strong" in Polish 28. strong the image to "tough" in Polish
  1. strong , *****
    • silny, mocny
      He is as strong as a horse.
      She had strong and muscular arms, like an athlete.
      Don't cry like a child - you have to be strong.
      opposites: weak, mild
      consulta también: hardy, stout, thick
    • głęboki, silny (np. więź)
      They shared a strong bond.
      I had a strong bond with my mother.
    • zdrowy, silny
      The baby is strong, congratulations.
      The bull is strong, it will live for at least a couple of years.
      consulta también: fit
  2. powerful ****
    • potężny, silny, mocny
      It was something far more powerful.
      That car has a very powerful engine.
  3. tough **** , also: teugh ScoE
    • twardy, nieustępliwy, silny
      Don't be so tough with her.
      Our manager is always tough when negotiating contracts.
  4. driving **
    • silny, niepohamowany
      His driving aggression will get him in trouble.
      Her driving appetite will make her fat.
  5. hard , *****
    • silny, siłowy (używający wiele siły)
      Thinking won't help, we need a hard solution.
  6. robust *
  7. potent *
  8. broad ***
    • silny, wyraźny (np. akcent w sposobie mówienia)
      He speaks with a broad Scottish accent.
      Your teacher has a broad Polish accent.
  9. fierce **
  10. firm , ****
    • mocny, silny (np. uścisk)
      He has a firm handshake.
      I need a firm hug.
  11. vigorous *  
  12. sturdy , *
  13. wiry
  14. forceful
    • potężny, silny (o charakterze, argumentach, efektach)
      antonym: mild
  15. raging
  16. ferocious
  17. thick ***
    • mocny, silny (np. akcent)
      His thick accent made it impossible to understand what he was saying.
      He speaks with a thick Russian accent.
      consulta también: strong
  18. hearty
  19. able-bodied
  20. lusty
  21. severe ***
    • silny (np. ból)
  22. sinewy
    • silny, muskularny (o osobie)
      She dreams about his sinewy shoulders.
      Judy's husband is sinewy.
  23. stalwart
  24. vehement
  25. torrid
  26. undiluted
  27. heavy ****
    • silny (związek emocjonalny) informal
      They have a heavy emotional bond.
      My dog and I have a heavy relationship.
  28. kick-ass
  29. well-knit
    • silny (np. rama)
  30. toughish
  31. hench
  32. feerie
  33. thickish
  34. skookum
  1. tang

Frases relacionadas — "silny"

siła = strength +22 significados
silnik = motor +3 significados
ostateczność (silny stan emocjonalny) = brink
siłownia = gym +1 significado
monsun (silny okresowy wiatr) = monsoon
osiłek = gorilla +1 significado
silny wiatr = high wind +1 significado
silnie = fast +10 significados
poszkodować (np. przez silny wiatr) = batter
bezsilny = helpless +4 significados