How beautifully and forcibly expressed!
That is why I have always found the savage so interesting, for in him, nakedly and forcibly expressed, we see those eternal principles which direct our human destiny.
The board, made up of team and league player representatives, held a 75-minute telephone conference call yesterday, and Fehr said, "Those views were very forcibly expressed."
This view was expressed forcibly but politely to students who were being prepared to teach in state schools.
The Irishman's state-of-the-nation comedy is bolstered by real opinions, forcibly expressed.
It is commonplace to identify opinions forcibly expressed by a character with the author's own.
With or without the Constitutional Treaty, the Council and Parliament have forcibly expressed their common desire to see the economic union transform itself gradually into a genuine political union.
The idea of equality was most forcibly expressed in the Rig Veda (Book 5, hymn 61.
In the letter I now write to Richardson, my complaint about his stopping Gielgud from talking to me is forcibly expressed and I don't conceal my anger.