The new school building was forcibly occupied by the Japanese troops.
During this period, the most effective way to own land at the territorial level was to occupy and forcibly hold it.
It turns out the widow has had her house forcibly occupied by her cousin.
Conquest: the offensive use of military assets to forcibly occupy territory controlled or claimed by another state.
He is believed to have forcibly occupied the vacant leadership, much against the then prevalent custom among the Jats.
Further, after the 1979 revolution many agricultural workers claimed ownership rights and forcibly occupied large, privately owned farms where they had been employed.
They forcibly occupied several communities, terrorizing the inhabitants.
Panamanian troops, for example, have forcibly occupied the San Blas archipelago three times since 1925.
Rebel leaders, meanwhile, threatened to forcibly occupy Abidjan, which is still in government hands with help from French peacekeepers.
By the end of June it was clear that all the island's main towns would have to be occupied forcibly before opposition to the Japanese invasion collapsed.