A second arrest was followed by an attempt to forcibly prevent his preaching.
Citizens were forcibly prevented from speaking of an impending disaster.
Chinese security officials forcibly prevented the couple from attending.
All he had returned was an occasional nip or kick; I'd forcibly prevented anything worse.
University students are forcibly prevented from demonstrating for better food in the mess hall, or for democracy.
The female is bigger than the male, and forcibly prevents other females from mating with, or laying eggs for, any of her males.
When asked if the army would forcibly prevent an election being held, O'Connor stated: "It will have the power to do so."
Her captain attempted to scuttle the ship, but was forcibly prevented from doing so by the rest of her crew.
That is, it forcibly prevents the private sector from providing comprehensive security, such as a police, judicial, and prison systems to protect individuals from aggressors.
He forcibly prevented Murgatroyd from going with him, and he spent an hour fumbling for a swampy spot in the dark forest.