The 2009 forecast assumes a decline in visa demand of only about 5,000.
The Democratic forecast assumes that economic growth will be strong, at more than 3 percent a year for the next decade.
The basic Congressional forecast assumes that this year's war costs will essentially continue and increase with inflation over the next 10 years.
Indeed, the forecast assumes higher productivity and lower inflation, something that many economists say is unlikely.
The Administration's economic forecasts assume that short-term rates will rise by at least another quarter of a percentage point this year.
Mr. Michael said that the city's forecast assumed a stagnant economy with no growth in the labor force.
As the forecast assumed interest rates would peak at 14 per cent it has already been eclipsed by events.
But such a forecast, using the 1990s as a guide to the future, also assumes that Hillary won't grow.
However, that forecast assumes a 115 average exchange rate.
The new forecast assumes 2005 oil prices will average $57 a barrel.