Because the poll is only 10 months old, it does not have a long track record of correctly forecasting changes.
It is a linear factor model with wealth and state variable that forecast changes in the distribution of future returns or income.
As difficult as it is to estimate the costs of individual control measures in the future, our ability to forecast economic changes over 20 years is questionable.
But looking back over the years, platforms have often forecast, in themes if not in words, changes in parties' direction.
On the one hand, scientists are forecasting terrible changes to the planet, and to us.
I may not be very good at predicting the stock market, but I sure can forecast changes in short-term interest rates.
Reginald L. Jones, the Governor's budget chief, defended the decision, saying it was impossible to forecast such changes.
Although many analysts question whether the overall confidence numbers say much about the economy's direction, they say the individual questions within surveys often forecast changes in spending.
The methods used to forecast changes in weather and climate differ as well.
We can now, therefore, certainly forecast changes in these situations and these new situations must be reflected in the budget.