That would give Rafsanjani and the foreign agitators exactly what they want.
The foreign agitators are arrested and washington and london are blamed for sponsoring them (which is actually true) and everyone else goes back home.
The Molly Maguires were generally seen, outside their circle of supporters, as murderers, terrorists, and foreign agitators.
The Iraqi government looked to blame foreign agitators for the January uprisings.
That's what's so heartbreaking to the wretched foreign agitator who's working full time and over!
Morocco had long been considered a haven of tolerance and peace, and any troubles we had we attributed to foreign agitators.
The agent would be nervous, what with the Brotherhood raving on about foreign agitators stirring up the Deves.
Kearney's Irish immigrant background made him subject to frequent accusations that he was a foreign agitator.
The official story also said that students, supposedly inflamed by foreign agitators, fired on the army.
This "Red Scare" died down quickly, yet it left a legacy of suspicion about radicals and "foreign" agitators.