This includes the facility at Qom, which is buried deep below a mountain range, safe from foreign meddling.
This sort of foreign meddling in Egyptian affairs created great resentment, especially among a group of officers in the Egyptian army, who moved against the new khedive.
A great deal of international effort has been invested in trying to free it of foreign military and political meddling, and restore real content to its sovereignty.
Tying economic assistance to limits on military spending is a sensitive issue that has at times led to charges of foreign meddling.
He also excoriated foreign meddling.
Instability from foreign meddling is another.
They were dismayed by President Bush's praise of the demonstrations, believing that many Iranians will see his words as foreign meddling, strengthening the conservatives.
My body would not tolerate the foreign meddling.
He also surrounded himself with ministers who were deeply suspicious of foreign meddling and often knew even less than he did about their portfolios.
Without quite blaming the downfall of the Soviet Union on foreign meddling, she kept a polite but careful distance from these foreigners, and asked that her name not be printed.