It was rather more difficult when I was based in London between foreign postings.
After the war she resumed her career with a succession of foreign postings.
Add all these problems together and it would not be surprising if some employees refuse foreign postings.
They allowed the marriage to happen, exactly so she would get into compromising situations on foreign postings, from which she could defect easily.
A few years ago he retired as a lieutenantgeneral, after a distinguished career with many foreign postings.
But, at the last moment, the adoption agency told the McEwans that a life of foreign postings was unstable.
At various other foreign postings and travels, several allegations were filed against him in internal R&AW reports by senior intelligence officers.
He worked his way through various foreign postings and postings at the state department until his being made an ambassador in 1956.
Most of America's chief executives got to the top by following the how-to manual - business school, foreign postings, long hours, on and on.
There followed two foreign postings, still as a gunnery specialist.