It will bring an estimated $9 billion in foreign revenues to Mexico this year, rivaling oil as a source of national income.
Morocco, where 200,000 jobs are in tourism, earned about $1 billion last year, 10 percent of its foreign revenue, a 20 percent increase over 1986.
He is pressing the company to expand its foreign revenues, from 12 percent of total sales to 24 percent by 1992.
The film's budget was $10 million, so it likely made a profit after foreign revenue was taken into account.
The industry is an important one is it provides foreign revenue.
It has now become a tourist's delight and earns heavy foreign revenue as well.
When we make a movie that needs a substantial budget, we look for foreign revenues.
The country can sell more goods and services overseas to increase foreign revenue.
Those remittances are Mexico's second largest source of foreign revenue, after oil.
The balance of the foreign revenue was applied against the author's advance.