At least 4,000 foreign-born immigrants now live in Fort McMurray, and the number is growing fast.
In January 2008, according to ISTAT statistics, it was estimated that 181,393 foreign-born immigrants lived in the city, rapresenting 13.9% of the total population.
As of 2010, Eurostat estimated that 7.2 million foreign-born immigrants lived in France corresponding to 11.1% of the total population.
"Our state is not really equipped to deal with a high population of foreign-born immigrants," Ms. Sanchez said.
In 2008, the Italian national institute of statistics ISTAT estimated that 59,749 foreign-born immigrants live in Abruzzo, equal to 4.5% of the total regional population.
Phillip J. Brutus, the first Haitian-born state legislator in Florida, favors the term black because it includes foreign-born immigrants and black Americans.
Although Germans comprised the second most numerous group of foreign-born nationals after Czechs, those foreign-born immigrants totaled less than one percent of the total population of the city.
Reflecting a population so greatly composed of foreign-born immigrants, there are distinct ethnic enclaves in Bedford Park.
The 1870s saw 204,692 foreign-born immigrants in Iowa, with 261,650 and 324,069 in 1880 and 1890, respectively.
Being foreign-born immigrants fourteen percent of the Swedish population, the finding also had political relevance and called for reforms to be introduced.