In 2009, about 39 million foreign-born people lived in the United States.
In New York State, 35.7 percent of the cases reported last year were among foreign-born people.
California alone has 50 percent of all foreign-born people in the nation.
From the period of 2005 to 2009, the number of foreign-born people living in the county was at 4%.
Sure enough, there are more foreign-born people here.
You have to go way back to the first century to find that many foreign-born people.
But four years or more after they reach here, foreign-born people are heavier, and more likely to report their health as poor.
There are four broad categories of foreign-born people in the United States.
It has found that immigrants settle in traditional gateways where there are large populations of foreign-born people.
So, for the black, Hispanic and foreign-born people in the neighborhood, the show is the ultimate nonevent.