One of them, a dark-eyed, dark- bearded, foreign-looking man, rose up from bending over the table.
And the young lady in blue, just beyond him, talking to that foreign-looking man.
By the time that it wanted only three minutes to noon, the droll object in question was perceived to be a very diminutive foreign-looking young man.
Lights burned in the house till late, and a lean, dark, curiously foreign-looking man called in an automobile.
A tall, foreign-looking man leaned over the side.
The four were swarthy foreign-looking men in laborers' clothes.
A dark-haired, foreign-looking man and a fair-haired one.
This group of foreign-looking men came around to the house last night trying to make friends to my father and pushing drugs onto him.
A heavy stranger, the man in the hooded bathgown, a fat, foreign-looking man, came out of nowhere like a shield before them.
I tried to rent a room, but I saw a great number of foreign-looking men, all carrying guns.