Many foreigners expected the country to develop into a Western-style market economy.
"If we can do anything-" "You've done much more than any foreigner on your soil could expect."
In return, foreigners expect Brazil to show that it can carry out structural changes that strike at vested interests.
Adult foreigners being held hostage, the statement said, could expect to eat less.
After all, if foreigners expect the dollar to keep falling, one would expect them to insist on higher returns.
What neither Iraqis nor foreigners expect is political liberalization by one of the Arab world's most severe regimes.
A foreigner who does not salute can expect no better and deserves worse.
Economic discontent spurs the disenchantment, but still the hard-liners have managed the economy somewhat better than many Chinese and foreigners initially expected.
The foreigner expected to separate Grazia from his job anyway, in time.
Furthermore, demand in the developing world for improved educational access is not as high as foreigners have expected.