The question is whether foreigners are paying too high a price for the right to buy into the action.
A few homeowners are asking the equivalent of over $16,000, hoping that rich foreigners or corporations with deep pockets will pay.
Even though foreigners pay higher prices than local Chinese, air fares are still very inexpensive.
Following a familiar pattern, unfortunate foreigners (not just terrorists) pay the price for a President's failures.
The man seemed surprised that this hard-looking foreigner paid without dispute.
The other mainstay in service trade is the interest that foreigners pay on loans from American banks.
"You foreigners always pay attention to the People's Daily," said a Chinese involved in economic matters.
The military has opposed any proposals that foreigners pay for or create nature reserves in the Amazon.
When traveling by air, all foreigners except children under the age of two must pay a departure tax.
Other foreigners must have a passport that is valid for at least another 6 months and pay a fee.