But foreigners can see that the whole is really bigger than the sum of the parts.
Vietnam still seeks foreign investment, but foreigners now see increased risks.
"When police come and take away my things, I'm ashamed that foreigners can see that."
Now with our Women's Office, foreigners can see we're no longer a backward country.
The figures now are different after a conflict that has chastened both the ambitions and what some foreigners saw as a national arrogance.
"Please don't send any foreigners to see me," a refugee pleaded in a letter slipped to a relief worker.
They don't want foreigners to see this scarred old face.
You get these civilized foreigners to see reason.
This meant that foreigners had seen both attractive prices for bonds and a lower dollar.
For instance, beyond extensive tariffs, quotas and other restrictions, China has a set of secret regulations that foreigners cannot even see.