And the foremost proponent of agrarianism, George Henry Evans, was dead.
Zerzan is now best known as the foremost proponent of anarcho-primitivism.
He was the foremost proponent of "the inherent flexibility of air power", a principle he helped prove during the war.
He was the foremost classical proponent of natural theology, and the father of Thomism.
Dr. Hansen is a foremost proponent of the view that global warming caused by humans is taking place.
Anarchists are some of the foremost proponents of the argument that taxation is equivalent to slavery.
The success of the commission enabled Barrett to become the foremost proponent of formal garden design in the country.
However Malamud was among the foremost proponents of multicasting technology.
He was a foremost proponent of birth control as a means to maintain population balance.
He became associated with the "institutional economics" school, whose foremost proponents were then primarily teaching at the University of Chicago.