The Buildings Department said a building inspector and a forensic engineer were conducting an investigation by midafternoon, but declined further comment.
These reconstructions are often conducted by forensic engineers, specialized units in law enforcement agencies, or private consultants.
Mr. Wharton, who is 44, supports himself, and a handful of expensive and eccentric hobbies, mostly by working as a highly paid forensic engineer.
I have had assistance from younger forensic engineers and mastering engineers to help me clean up the high frequencies that are out of my range.
Insurance companies use forensic engineers to prove liability or nonliability.
Rail crashes, aviation accidents, and some automobile accidents are investigated by forensic engineers in particular where component failure is suspected.
Four different teams of forensic engineers are trying to determine the reason for the collapse of the scaffold at the 21st floor.
It may be performed by a range of experts, including forensic scientists, forensic engineers or health and safety advisers.
The forensic engineer can then choose points common to each photo.
Arc mapping is a technique used in fire investigation and is usually performed by a forensic electrical engineer.