The duty to protect is the responsibility of a mental health professional to protect patients and others from foreseeable harm.
The complaint alleged that the property owners failed to "take minimal precautions to protect decedent from foreseeable harm from the criminal conduct of a thirdparty."
Child maltreatment is also often defined as foreseeable or probable harm or injury to a child's physical, social, emotional, or developmental well-being.
There was not this sense that foreseeable harm would come to the individuals.
Physicians are faced with a duty to warn or to act to prevent foreseeable harm.
In 1976, the California court judged that breach of confidentiality would have been justified in order to warn of a foreseeable and serious harm to an identifiable individual.
Reasonably foreseeable harm must be compensated.
In the Thernstrom theory, elite universities could re-segregate with no foreseeable harm to African-Americans - as long as middling colleges continued to provide broad access.
At the very least, they reasonably expect to be kept from all foreseeable harm.
"Absent a duty running directly to the injured person there can be no liability in damages, however careless the conduct or foreseeable the harm," Judge Kaye wrote.