Storing frozen blood without any foreseeable need represents only about 1 percent of autologous donations.
The process is aimed at capturing the foreseeable needs of users of EUMETSAT's satellite data in the 2015-2025 timeframe.
By the end of 1942 the RAF thought it had enough trained glider pilots, at least for foreseeable operational need.
In each of these cases, far smaller buildings would have satisfied any current or foreseeable need.
The federal government disposes of property for which it has no foreseeable need.
Consequently we are asking all governing bodies to work with us in the compilation of comprehensive statements of their present and foreseeable needs at national and sub-national levels.
Revenues rose to $1.63 billion while the company's net loss was halved to $132.3 million, and the cash position was now stated as being sufficient to meet foreseeable needs.
Cass and Mel, at Drake's insistence, had gone beyond reasonable and foreseeable needs in just one area.
The EUR 614 million adopted by the Council will ensure funding of all foreseeable needs.
The EUR 614 million adopted by the Council will be enough to finance all the foreseeable needs.