There is more forest gloom in landscapes of a later time.
Then Elbereth was gone, disappeared into the forest gloom to scout out the region.
The sun rose higher and dispelled some of the forest gloom.
Far off, three shadows broke away from the forest gloom, hurrying towards the Wayhouse.
The dawn's coloring had penetrated the forest gloom and was turning everything crimson.
It was a short bend of the brook, where dark old trees overshadowed the water with forest gloom.
His people disappeared with him, melting back into the forest gloom.
The people of the lake country slipped deeper into the forest gloom; the knights and their war horses began to grow restless.
Without looking back, he ran from her and in seconds had disappeared into the forest gloom.
Reining in their horses sharply, they sprang to the ground, staring about at the forest gloom.