While hunting, the Bambuti have been known to specifically target the giant forest hog.
Further, there are unconfirmed reports of giant forest hogs eating Bambuti infants from their cribs in the night.
The giant forest hog can weigh as much as 650 pounds and stand three feet high at the shoulder.
It roared and squealed with the voice of the buffalo and the giant forest hog.
Some rare species, such as the giant forest hog, suni, mountain bongo, and maned rat are found in the forest.
The giant forest hog of the central African highlands weighs up to 275kg and can be more than two metres long.
Above : The biggest pig of all is Africa's giant forest hog.
There are multitudes of elephant, buffalo, giant forest hog as well as the endangered Black Rhino.
The giant forest hog has extensive hairs on its body, though these tend to become less pronounced as the animal ages.
The giant forest hog is mainly a herbivore, but also scavenges.