Bitterlich designed many patents throughout his career, which are used today throughout many forest inventories worldwide.
An angle gauge is a tool used by foresters to determine which trees to measure when using a variable radius plot design in forest inventory.
A forest inventory does not only record the trees height, DBH and number for tree yield calculations.
Laser rangefinders with anti-leaf filter are used for example for forest inventories.
A forest manager starts with a forest inventory to determine what condition the growing stock is in.
The first forest inventory was completed in 1959.
The stands are divided by forest inventory, topography and access.
Line plot survey is a systematic technique of laying out sample plots in a forest inventory within a rectangular grid.
The method is used for forest inventories to accurately estimate the volume standing in a forested tract without counting every single item.
Professor Shvidenko's main fields of interest are forest inventory, monitoring, mathematical modeling, global change, and boreal forests.