The green forest shrank back to reveal patchwork farmlands.
But as the forest shrank, the Elf-folk were forced to push deeper into the remaining pockets of green.
In parts of the world, forests are shrinking as trees are cleared to increase the amount of land available for agriculture.
The forest had shrunk to nearly 25 percent of the district's area by 1980.
In recent decades, that coastal forest has shrunk to 2 percent of its original size.
Over the years the forest shrank and today only a patchwork of the north-eastern forest remains.
As the forests shrink, neighboring countries will turn on each other for this resource in order to appease their populations.
Its forests are shrinking due to demand for homes and firewood.
As forests shrink, the populations become more fragmented, leading to less genetic diversity in the potential mating pool.
Our forests are shrinking at an alarming pace.