Of his two sons one became a minister and the other was a forestry professor at the University of Hohenheim.
Alan B. Berg (August 27, 1916 - July 31, 1989) was an American politician and forestry professor at Oregon State University.
Denis Brière is a Canadian forestry professor and academic administrator.
It was first described in the journal Science in 1975 by Dr. Burton Barnes, a forestry professor at the University of Michigan.
Dale Bergdahl, recently retired after 29 years as a University of Vermont forestry professor, has been tracking more than 100 butternut trees here in the University of Vermont's Jericho Research Forest.
"Our goal is to maintain a large intact landscape and the character of our valley," said Hank Goetz, a retired forestry professor from the University of Montana.
"I've seen a lot of sorry looking red maples," said John Kuser, a tree farm owner and forestry professor at Rutgers University.
Helen Berg married her third husband, Alan Berg, a forestry professor at Oregon State, in 1983.
- Dr. Thomas Hinckley, a University of Washington forestry professor.
In Poland, Andrzej Szujecki, a former forestry professor and now deputy minister of environment, says he favors natural cleansing and regeneration.