Anthropologist Peter Schmidt discovered through the communication of oral tradition that the Haya have been forging steel for nearly 2000 years.
The black queen was gone, the dense African wood no match for the blaze hot enough to forge steel.
If it had been forged steel and barbed, we'd have had to cut it out.
He learned to forge steel and was particularly impressed by a simple knife made by his mentor, Kington.
He was led to a tree which was said to rest on the spot of an ancestral furnace used to forge steel.
They're not building transistors or forging steel.
With improvements in steel production, bladesmiths no longer had to forge steel and knives could be machined from flat bars of steel.
With these designs, Bethlehem Iron built the first plant to forge high-strength steel in America.
You were always strong as burnished bronze, but now you are forged and tempered steel.
It has forged steel connecting rods.